Centrali Eoliche

Much time makes the wind was used in order to make to move the ships and to make to turn the shovels of the flour mills to wind.  Today the energy of the wind is transformed in electricity thanks to the wind turbine generators, modern flour mills to wind.  The places where they come arrange the wind turbine generators to you are call Aeolic parks and come constructed to you on the crinali of hills (in kind between the 600 and 1500 meters of altitude), in it goes them ventose, and off-shore, that is in means to the sea, where the wind is stronger and regular.  A particular attention acclimatizes them must be dedicated in the study of sistemazione of the wind turbine generators on the second land criteria of insertion in the landscape.  Here some examples:  respect of the practicability already traced on the territory, respect of the existing activities on the situated one, sistemazione of the wind turbine generators second a perspective effect that values the scene.  It centers them eoliche are centers them that they take advantage of the speed of the wind for the electric power production.  The operation principle is enough simple, the module base of one centers them eolica is the Aeolic generator.  This equipment is composed from a propeller connected to a tree to which the current generator is fastened. 

The propeller and the generator are normally places to heights high so as to to be it crosses to you from the twenty, twenty that putting in spin the propeller they make of fact to ruotare the generator that produces therefore energy.  The Aeolic generators can be of several dimensions and being uses you is for a rural domestic use or in it centers them normally composed of numerous generators.  The powers of such generators vary from the hundreds of W to the hundreds of kW.  *  Advantages As for them it centers them solar those eoliche do not have residual, slags or other by-products.  The wind is gratis, therefore the only expense is the installation and the maintenance.  Content, 500,000 euro centers them eoliche has a cost enough for a wind turbine generator from 1 MW.  It is not a lot, enough to think that for an equal power of fotovoltaici panels they only want 6,000,000 euro to us (of panels, to add remain the carrying structures, the cavidotti, the inverter from 1 MW).  To earth it occupies less than 100 metriquadri, therefore it does not remove the possibility to continue the previous activities on that land (es. pastorizia...)  *  Disadvantages center them to Them eoliche in order to produce appreciable amounts of energy must be constituted from various Aeolic generators, such generators must be maintained to sure distances for being able to take advantage of the wind, and in order to avoid a crowding that would be unpleasant.  They can be only installed where there is enough wind and are of the moderately noisy systems.

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