My interests are for center them to them photovoltaic and for thermoelectrial why it allows to produce energy without to ruin the atmosphere and produrla the infinite times.
As the photovoltaic cententrale works:
It centers them photovoltaic typically are constituted from hundred or migliaia of fotovoltaici modules of great dimensions connected in serie/parallelo, it installs to earth on structures in reinforced concrete and steel to you.  With it it puts into effect them values of the efficiency of transformation of the solar energy in electrical worker, one centers them from a megawatt, able to supply energy to a thousand of customers, would extend on a great area as four you live of soccer.  The engagement of the territory has had for half from the areas effectively occupied from the fotovoltaici modules, and for the other half from the areas necessary in order to avoid the mutual ombreggiamento of the rows of modules.

As it works centers it them trmoelettrica:

In it centers them thermoelectrial solar the solar cancellation comes concentrated in order to obtain temperatures of some hundreds of degrees and to produce vapor in order to set in action one turbine and to generate electricity.  The member to the base of the technologies and of centers them thermoelectrial solar is one concentratore collector, it is worth to say a device in a position to collecting and convogliare the solar cancellation towards a receiver.  In relation to geometry and the disposition of the concentratore regarding the receiver the parabolic concentratori are had linear, to tower with receiver it centers them and the punctual parabolic concentratori or to disc. 

System to tower with receiver centers them

Concentratori parabolici lineari

Punctual parabolic Concentratore or to disc 

Above all in last the 5-10 years, the solar systems to concentration have been object of deep innovations that of it have improved the perspectives, rendering it second exceeds those common places to you which such systems would turn out inadatti to the high latitudes or inaffidabili because of it complicates systems to you of pursuit of the sun.  The most recent solar systems to concentration are much various from those products hardly some year or are.  The reliability is increasing and concentrations high of the solar cancellation can be obtained also with completely static systems. 

In Italy the topic of the solar one to concentration, after approximately 15 years, is returned to being of the great present time as a result of a financing of 200 billions of Liras assigned to the ENEA for a strategic Plan of solar development of the thermoelectrial one on wide scale.  Solar the thermal one to concentration can boast, regarding the photovoltaic one to concentration, the realization of largest centers them solar to the world.  Nine systems base to you on the technology of linear the parabolic concentratori, ransoms from 30 total MW and 80 MW for 354 MW, have been plan, constructed and to puttinges in exercise between 1984 and 1990 to you in the desert of the Mojave in California. 

After this important experience, solar the thermal one to concentration has had one important series innovations, between all the Composed Parabolic Concentratore Integrated (CPCI).  This product, planned based on the principles of the optical without images, integral the concentratore and the relative tube absorber to the inside of a glass tube sottovuoto;  it is by now commercially mature, allows to catch up advanced temperatures to 100 °C:  until 350 °C with static systems and beyond the 450 °C with systems of pursuit of the sun.  The heat to these temperatures can be used in order to make to work systems of heating and cooling, dissalazione, production of substances chemistries and cleaned up fuel, for the generation of electric power, with ransoms that go from some kW to hundred of megawatt.  An other interesting evolution of the linear systems to concentration is the Compact Reflector Linear Fresnel, in phase of development in Australia, where it has been realized a system prototype from 13 MW that it places side by side one centers them to coal from 1.440 MW.  The system will produce to vapor or water to 265 °C to use in the phase of preheating of the cycle.  Esteem that this system has a cost of 1.000 dollars for kW installed. 

Important innovations, still in experimentation course, have been realized also for the solar systems to tower.  Near the Weismann Institute of Science, in Israel, it is in phase experiences them a system with a field mirrors that the solar cancellation concentrates on a reflector place in top to the tower that, in its turn, reflects it to the base of the same one, where comes ulteriorly concentrated from a Parabolic Concentratore Compound, obtaining therefore temperatures fine and beyond to 1.300 °C and therefore adapted for production systems electrical worker to arranged cycle gas/Rankine.  An other version of the systems to tower is in phase of development in Australia and previews a Solar Field Multitorre, in which the solar cancellation comes concentrated from more fields than mirrors on more towers than contained dimensions in the 4-10 meters;  this tipologia of system can be installed also in city atmosphere, as an example on the roofs of large industrial buildings or of extended parking areas. 

These examples do not exaust however the multiple perspectives of search, development and application of the field;  a field this in continuous evolution and with perspective widths of professional development and acclimatizes them for the future. 

It returns behind