
Classe 1a -> 2a

Esercizi per l'estate 2006.

Per gli allievi promossi in seconda.

Classe prima elettrici 2005-2006


Compiti per le vacanze di Inglese.

Da consegnare alla prima lezione in classe seconda 2006/2007


  1. Pronomi personali e aggettivi possessivi
  2. Verbo TO BE
  3. Verbo TO HAVE
  4. Verbi principali
  5. Genitivo sassone
  6. I like / I don’t like
  7. Avverbi di frequenza


a. Pronomi personali e aggettivi possessivi


Pronomi soggetto     









Pronomi oggetto









Aggettivi possessivi










1) Studia gli schemi sopra e poi svolgi gli esercizi

Scrivi il pronome corretto (soggetto o oggetto) nelle seguenti frasi secondo l'esempio

utilizzando lo spunto dato tra parentesi.


Es.: ____ telephoned yesterday (she) =  She  telephoned yesterday


a. We watched ____ for hours (he)

b. When does ____ arrive ? (she)

c. ____ don't understand. (I)

d. Are you talking to ____ ? (I)

e. Don't aks ____ . ____ doesn't know (she / she)

f. This is Julia. ____ met ( ho conosciuto) ____ three years ago (I / she)

g. Don't ask ____ . Ask ____ (I / he)

h. ____  asked ____ to invite ____ . (they / he / we)


2) Scrivi l'aggettivo possessivo corretto ricavandolo dal pronome tra parentesi.


            1. These are  my  parents (I)

2. I've got _________ watch. (he)

            3. Is this _________ car? (you)

            4. Do they like _________ new house? (she)

            5. Do you know _________ teacher (they) ?

6. Have you got _________ money ? (I)

            7. I don't like _________ teacher. (we)

            8. Have you got _________ passport? (your)

            9. He always forgets _________ keys (he)

            10. They want to change _________ hotel. (they)

            11. She gives the letter to _________ secretary. (she)

            12. There's something wrong with _________ car. (he)

            13. They're having a party in _________ garden (they)

            14. Where's _________ pen ? (I)

            15. I like _________ jacket. (you)


3) Completa le seguenti frasi con l'aggettivo possessivo


1. My brother is great. His  name is Paul.

            2. Are Angela and _________ sister from London ?

            3. Hello. Is _________ name David? / Yes, it is.

            4. Clare, Jane and _________ dog are in the park.

            5. We've got a dog. _________ name is Rover.

            6.  What are your cousins' names? / _________ names are Mark and Karen.


b. Verbo TO BE

Ripassa il verbo essere nelle sue forme affermativa, interrogativa e negativa e svolgi i seguenti esercizi


1) Costruisci frasi con il verbo TO BE utilizzando gli spunti secondo l'esempio. Per ogni  

     frase costruisci anche la forma negativa e interrogativa.

     Es.: Tom / be / from the USA =  Tom is from the USA

                                                        Tom isn't from the USA

                                                        Is Tom from the USA?

            a.  Sue / be / Mexican.





            b.  His father / be / an electrician





            c. You / be / good students





            d. His schoolbag / be / red and yellow





            e. Their books / be / new





2) Scrivi le domande utilizzando le parole date.

     Es.:    's name his what? = What's his name ?


            a.  she from where 's ?             __________________________________

            b.  is American Susan ?            __________________________________

            c.  from you where are ?          __________________________________

            d.  name her what 's ? __________________________________

            e.  German is she ?                  __________________________________


c. Verbo TO HAVE

Dopo aver ripassato il verbo TO HAVE  nelle sue forme affermativa, interrogativa e negativa svolgi i seguenti esercizi.


1) Completa le seguenti frasi con HAVE / HAVEN'T / HAS / HASN'T


a. They ______ got beautiful paintings. (aff.)

            b. My brother ______ got any children. (neg.)

            c. ______ you got any matches?

            d. I ______ got some new boots. (aff.)

            e. ______ James got a good job?

            f. She ______ got any sisters. (neg.)

            g. Katerina ______ got four children.

h. They ______ got a fast car and a lot of money,

     but they ______ got any friends (aff. / neg.)

            i. We ______ got letters and envelopes, but we ______ got any stamps. (aff. / neg.)


d. Verbi principali

Dopo aver ripassato la coniugazione dei verbi principali (ad es. LIKE, MAKE, COME ...), svolgi i seguenti esercizi.

1) Terza persona singolare; scrivi la 3a persona seguenti verbi e traducili a fianco.


a)  help     helps             aiutare         i) wash    _________                _________

            b) watch  watches          guardare      j) read     _________                _________

            c) want     _________    _________   k) do       _________                _________

            d) go        _________    _________   l) fly        _________                 _________

            e) carry    _________     _________   m) study  _________                _________

            f) catch    _________     _________   n) kiss      _________                _________

            g) think    _________     _________   o) eat        _________              _________

            h) crash    _________    _________   q) cry        _________              _________


2) Scrivi delle frasi secondo l'esempio utilizzando le informazioni date.

                Attenzione alla terza persona singolare !

            Es.: I read The Time magazine / (he / Newsweek)

                   He reads Newsweek

Positive form

            1. We live in a house / (she / a flat)


            2. They watch CNN / (Tom / MTV)


            3. You study geography / (Erica / history)       


            4. I have tea in the morning / (John / coffee)



Negative form

            5. You don't like football / (he / tennis)


            6. We don't speak Polish / (Anna / Italian)


            7. I don't want a drink / (she / a sandwich)


            8. I don't work in the evenings / (she / in the afternoons)



3) Short answers. Leggi il brano e completa le domande e le risposte sotto al brano.



My name's Lee Hung Suk. I'm twenty-one.

I live with my family in a small flat in Hong Kong.

I study psychology. I speak English and Chinese.

I like Chinese and Italian food.

I don't drink coffee or milk but I love Chinese tea.

I don't smoke and I don't have a car.

In the evenings, I watch TV or films on video.

On Saturdays I go to discos, and on Sundays

I play basketball or table tennis.


1. Does Lee live in a flat ?        Yes, he does.

2. _________ he work ? no, he doesn't . He  studies  psychology.

3. _________ he speak Chinese ? Yes, _________.

4. _________ he drink milk ? _________ he _________. He  _________ tea.

5. __________________ a car ? _________ he _________ .

6. _________ study on Saturdays ? No, _________ . He _________  to discos.



4) Trasforma le seguenti frasi in affermative, negative o interrogative in base a

    quanto indicato tra parentesi

            Es.: I visit my parents very often. (neg.) =  I don't visit my parents very often


            a. He goes to shool every day (neg. / inter.)



            b. She doens't come from France (aff. / interr.)



c. You watch TV every night. (neg. / inter.)



            d. He washes his car every week (inter. / neg.)




e. Does she work in a restaurant ? (aff. / neg.)




f. They eat a lot (inter. / neg.)



            g. She doesn't go to school by bus. (aff. / inter.)




Present continuous vs Present simple


            1) Metti il verbo tra parentesi al tempo corretto: semplice o continuo.


Es.:      Don't talk to Louis, he's ________ his homework. (do)

Don't talk to Louis, he's doing his homework.


            a. I __________________ the paper every day. (read)

            b. Clara's on the phone. She __________________ to her husband. (talk)

            c. His daughter __________________ a dress today. (not wear)

            d. "What do you do?" / "I _____ a doctor" (be)

            e. The children usually __________________ their grandmother on Sundays (visit)

            f. "What are you doing?" / "I __________________ for an exam."


            2) Rispondi riguardo a te usando Yes, I am / No, I'm not / Yes, I do / No, I don't


            a. Are you wearing a T-shirt ? ________________________

            b. Are you wearing trousers? ________________________

            c. Are you doing this exercise alone? ________________________

            d. Do you usually study alone? ________________________

            e. Are you sitting at a desk ? ________________________

            f. Do you often go to the cinema? ________________________


3) Riordina le parole per formare frasi corrette

Es.: goes jogging Sally never =  Sally never goes jogging


a. I  Geography studying at moment am the an for exam


b. often goes to she the theatre


c. like we going don't skiing


d. now am having a great I time


e. Mary these days studying a is lot


f. aunt stays us Robert's always with


g. late they sometimes go bed to


e. Genitivo sassone


1) Inserisci un " ' "  in ogni frase per creare il genitivo sassone.

            Es.; My mothers car. = My mother's car


            1. Beethovens Fifth Simphony. ___________________________________

            2. McDonalds restaurants.         ___________________________________

            3. Look at the Students Book.   ___________________________________

            4. Bobs new house.                   ___________________________________

            5. Shakespeares plays.              ___________________________________


2) Riscrivi le espressioni con il genitivo sassone.

            Es.: The father of Ben. =  Ben's father.


            1. The sister of Nick                            ___________________________________

            2. The grandmother of Kerrie   ___________________________________

            3. The brother of Jamie                        ___________________________________

            4. The cousin of Betty              ___________________________________

            5. The aunt of Caroline            ___________________________________

            6. The brother of Jack                         ___________________________________

            7. The father of Ann and Tom  ___________________________________

            8. The parents of my parents                ___________________________________

            9. The uncle of the children                  ___________________________________


f. I like / I don't like/ Do you like?


1) Scrivi frasi complete utilizzando le parole date.

es.: Which / sports / you / like / play ?  =  Which sports do you like playing?


            a. I / like / play / basketball  and tennis.


b. What / he / like / do / in his free time?


            c. I / like / go out / with my friends.


            d. You / like / aerobics?


            e. Nick and Emma / not like / go jogging.



            2) Giusta o sbagliata ? Scegli la frase corretta come nell'esempio.


            Es:       a. __    Which sports like you ?

                        b. ok    Which sports do you like?


2          a. __    I liking playing basketball.

                        b. __    I like playing basketball.

            3          a. __    What does she like doing in her free time ?

                        b. __    What do she like doing in her free time ?

            4          a. __    Do you like going skiing ?

                        b. __    Do you like go skiing ?

            5          a. __    Does she like going volleyball ?

                        b. __    Does she like playing volleyball ?

            6          a. __    I love listen to music.

                        b. __    I love listening to music.

            7          a. __    I hate do the housework.

                        b. __    I hate doing the housework.

            8          a. __    I like not swimming.

                        b. __    I don't like going swimming.


g. Frequency adverbs


1) Riordina le parole per costruire delle frasi

            1. restaurants they have sometimes in lunch


2. at swimming weekend we the often go


3. sleeps hours Adam a always eight night


4. early up wife never Sundays on gets my


5. food rarely on put I salt my



2) Riscrivi le frasi con gli avverbi di frequenza tra parentesi nella posizione corretta.

            Es.: I go to the gym in the afternoon. (often) = I often go to the gym in the afternoon.

            1. We're late for school. (never)       __________________________________________

            2. They drink tea for breakfast. (always)__________________________________________

            3. Samantha goes to discos (sometimes)__________________________________________

            4. I'm in bed at 11 o'clock. (usually) __________________________________________

            5. We watch TV (rarely)          __________________________________________


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