The template free downloadable from this page is specific for Micro-GT MyKit 2018 but can be use for every PIC16F877A. To change MCU (Microcontroller unit) can be necessary to modify the configuration word to match the PIC attitude.
The software platform is the official IDE distributed by Microchip MPLABX V4.1 and compiler is XC8 1.43
All the programs is tested in the Micro-GT MyKit, if you encounter any troubles check the right setup of the DIP switch and the jumper.
These template is the perfect way to introduce the class in a professional way to implement a program. Right the same work rules that will encounter in the work place. No shortcut ! No easy toy! Work and shut up.
- Led Blinking -> XC8_lampeggio
- Buttons start Motors ->XC8_button_motor
- Debounced buttons to drive relè motors ->XC8_debouncer
- USB to serial Bridge comunication example->XC8 Serial_communication