

张人之 Zhang Chong.









温暖 (Warm)

下雨的时候 when it is raining
我喜欢站在窗前 i like stand by window
听淅沥的雨声 listen to the rain fall
看划破乌云的雷电 watching the thunder lacerate sky

风把雨点吹到我身上 the wind blow rain to me
冰凉的打湿我的衣服 cold and wet my clothes
我并不想躲闪 i didn't wanna dodge
任由风卷着雨滴和凉的感觉扑向我 let the wind blow rain and cold to me
把我抱在怀里 hug me he's arms

我的身体些微地颤抖着 i was shivering
我并不想躲闪 i didn't wanna dodge
即使它冰凉而又粗暴 though it cold and wildness
风把我的怀里 wind hug me in his arms

让我感到抚慰 make me feel solace
让我的心里温暖 warm me inside



