Nearly the totality of the electric
power come currently produced in systems that take advantage of the
kinetic energy of a water mass in controlled fall (center them
hydroelectric) or the thermal energy that is developed during a
combustion process (centers them thermoelectrial). Broadly
speaking, this last case comprises also centers them to them nuclear,
that they take advantage of the heat produced from one reaction
nuclear. In it centers them electrical workers fed to carbon
fossil, the fuel comes polverizzao, stirred to air preriscaldata and
iniettato in the combustion chamber of a water tube boiler, where she
burns like a gas. The room, or hearth, represents the greater
structure of centers them; the inner walls are covered from a
series of tubes to serpentino, in which slide water, than they are
developed for a total of various kilometers in order to extract the
maximum possible heat from the fuel: during the distance to the
inside of the tubes, in fact, the water catches up the boiling point
and it is transformed in overheated vapor and to high pressure. A
depurazione system filters combustion gases, so as to to extract the
greater possible ash amount, before dispersing them in the atmosphere
through one chimney. In it centers them more modern the systems
than depurazione they are plans to you placing particular cure to the
extraction of sulphured slags, than they have been revealed extremely
injurious for the atmosphere. The vapor generated in the boiler
comes sended to a turbine that transforms the thermal energy in
mechanical energy, is pure with the low characteristic rendering of the
thermal engines. The vapor to low pressure and lowland
temperature that exits from the turbine comes condensed and the
obtained water comes newly pompata in the gallery of the boiler,
closing the cycle. The condensation of the vapor demands great
cooling water amounts (approximately 230.000 m3 the hour for one
centers them from 2000 mW), that it can be captured from a river or
from a present lago in the vicinities of centers them, or must be
recycle. The recycling comes operated in the cooling towers, that
they disperse in the atmosphere the residual heat and demand one
relatively water amount reduced in order to satisfy that one lost for
evaporation. It centers fed them to diesel oil or to gas they
work in analogous way. In it centers them nuclear, instead, to
generate heat is the reaction of fission of a combustible nuclear, that
is of a radioactive material like the uranio. The heat comes
extracted from a coolant and therefore used in order vaporizzare one
determined water amount for means of an appropriate said apparatus heat
exchanger. It is made successive of the process are analogous to
those of centers them thermoelectrial. They exist vary types of
reactor nuclear, you base on structures and various cooling to
you. A series of bars of material with elevated ability to
neutronica capture allows to control the reaction speed and can, in
emergency case, to determine the complete extinction of the reactor,
while a "biological screen" of concrete, often several meters,
encircles the reactor in order protect the operating ones from the
strongly radioactive emissions of the kernel. You see Energy
nuclear. Recently it has had a much happened new type of centers
them thermoelectrial with gas turbine, dictates to arranged cycle
(CCGT, from English Combined Cycle Gas Upsets some). In this type
of it centers them the transformation of the thermal energy in the
mechanical energy necessary to set in action a generating electrical
worker happens in two times, with a rendering total that is approached
55%. The combustible gas comes burnt in a coupled gas turbine a
generating electrical worker and the exhaust gaseses come used in order
to produce the vapor necessary to set in action one turbine to vapor
coupled to according to generator. In the electric power
production, to the turbine, gas or vapor, the rotor of a generating
electrical worker is coupled, usually an alternator constituted also
from a fixed part, called stator. The rotor is a cylinder of
ferromagnetic, rotary material to the speed of 3000 turns to the
minute, in which a winding covered from continuum flow is
inserted. For effect of the current that encircles it, the rotor
behaves from electromagnet, producing therefore a rotary magnetic
field. The stator is constituted from a winding in which the
magnetic field frequency of 50 generally induces tensions alternated
variable with one Hertz (cycles to the second). The produced
mechanical energy from the turbine comes therefore transformed in
electric power, with a next rendering to 100%. Problems of
production of the electric power the electric power is fundamental for
the maintenance of the standard of living in the highly industrialized
societies and is indispensable for the underdeveloped nations. In
the long term, however, the problem of the exhaustion of fossil and
nuclear fuel is placed. To it puts into effect them consumption
rate, the esteem of duration of the supplyes go from 40-60 years for
the natural gas and the oil, to 200 years for the carbon fossil.
A more pressing problem is that one of by-products of the combustion of
carbon fossil, natural gas and derives you of the oil, that they are
extremely injurious for the atmosphere. I accumulate in the last
few decades of carbon dioxide, the gas that more contributes to the
effect greenhouse, comes considered the greater culprit of the increase
of the temperature on the land surface (total heating). Sources
of electric power In order to reduce the fossil fuel consumption, are
alone two possible alternatives: the rinnovabili energy nuclear
and energies. After the incident of Cernobyl, that it has had a
violent impact on the public opinion, in many countries has been
suspended or reduced the operation of centers them nuclear, dangerous
deductions for the public health and the atmosphere. The energy
amount that the Earth receives from the Sun is immense, however only
one minimal part of it is usable. Currently, the more promising
sources than rinnovabile energy are the wind, the water and the
biocombustibili, but the greater part of these so "is diluted" that for
their exploitation numerous systems of large dimensions become
necessary that would have a strong impact acclimatize them. It
centers them eoliche are constituted from groups of upsets of it to
wind (or aeromotori) coupled to current generators. In the
encounter with the shovels of the turbine, the wind loses approximately
40% of the own kinetic energy, that it comes used in order to set in
action the turbine; the produced mechanical energy comes then
transformed in electric power from the generator. The solar light
comes directly transformed in current continuous electrical worker
(with a rendering of approximately 15%) from dispositi to you
fotovoltaici constituted from material semiconductor. The
continuum flow must then be transformed in alternating current for
being able to be immessa in the distribution network. You see
Feeding and distribution of the electric power. In the
hydroelectric systems, the kinetic energy of the water that falls
through an unevenness comes transformed in mechanical energy from one
hydraulic turbine coupled a generating electrical worker. In some
it centers them thermoelectrial, the heat comes produced from the
combustion of refusals or methane obtained from the decomposition of
refusals. In others "biocombustibili" are used, that is material
of coming from refuse from agricultural procedures, or firewood
obtained from the cut of plantations purposely cultivated. A
serious engagement in the search of sources of rinnovabile energy could
carry in the future to systems of small dimensions bases to you on
diversified technologies, that they would replace large the
central-cathedral today. One centers them electrical worker is an
industrial system action to the electric power production. The
modern society is by now based in unavoidable way on the use of the
electric power, therefore the production of such energy and
consequently centers them them electrical workers has one fundamental
technological and strategic importance. It centers them
electrical workers odierne produce energy exclusively in alternating
current nearly (exist exceptions in Russia, where for problems of
losses on elettrodotti extremely long they have been created centers
them electrical workers in continuum flow), taking advantage itself of
blots of it called electrical workers alternators.
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