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DC motor control By P.I.D. system.
在这个文章上中我会展示一种简单的用微控制器控制直流发电机的基本参数的方法, 利用一种叫PWM的技术.
PWM系统是一种将能量转移取样到直流发电机的传感器的方法. PWM技术在于调制供给发电机的脉冲信号的范围
The PWM signal can be generated in two different way: PWN可以产生2种不同的信号:
in the first case is possible to relized a board whit operational amplifier, in the second case whit the best knowed microprocessor or micropic.
第一种情形可能认识到电路板和运算放大器, 第二种情形已知最好的微处理器或者有记忆体的微芯片.
in all two cases, the signal is presented in input to a bridge of four darlinghton transistor n.p.n. model TIP122.
在2种情形下,信号出现输入一个有4个Darlington晶体管的桥n.p.n. 模型 TIP122.
These robust discrete component can easily drive more than 8 Amp鑢e, so is suitable for a wide range of aplication in direct current motor driven.
这些精力充沛的分立元件能很容易的驱动至少8Ampere, 所以它广泛应用于直流电发动机.
The voltage signal for drive the clock wise or anticlock wise motor sense is adapted by for base's resistor who delivery the necessari 10 milliamp鑢e for make work the darlinghton in the saturation zone. Typical value for input resistors is:
In the same way is necessary decrease the value of LED current limiter resistor like in table below.在相同方法下必须降低LED限流电阻器的值低于表格。
The TIP122 switching speed can be driven through PWM signal with high frequency above 1 KHz, so this is the most appropriate way to control the motor speed without any loss of motor couple.
TIP122 转换速度可以驱动PWM信号和高频超过1 KHz,所以这是最合适的方法控制发动速度而不必减少发动连接。
Two LEDs in the input of the power interface show in which way the the D.C. motor run (clockwise or anticlockwise).
Green for clockwise 绿色是顺时针
Red for anticlockwise. 红色是逆时针
The printed circuit board to realize the interface is shown below. 印制电路板实现分界面显示在下面 ( 以下为实现的电路板 )
To download the FidoCAd file to realize the power interface use the link below.
Download Schematic. 示意性的下载
Download printed circuit ( FidoCad ). 下载印制电路( FidoCad )
Automatic speed control.
In all the realistic applications of the Direct Current Motor the external resistor couple is not constant but variable.
Once set the motor speed in a open chain control system it will not remain cnostant in every moment because of the variability of resistance couple applied.
To guarantee the constant speed is necessary to correct it in real time when the exsternal charge rises or decreases. this kind of control system is the typical closed loop.
The signal X(s) is build by the microprocessor basis routine of the program, the B(s) block rappresent the power interface (inverter build whit for TIP122 ), the signal output Y(s) is the output of the encoder trasductor connect to the moving mechanical parts of the system, The block H(s) is the decisional software part ( P.I.D. control ) who descriminate if is necessary increse the duty cycle of the PWM, decrese it or live invariated.
For study the close loop control system is necessary cut the feedback ring in the place show in figure.
The cutting operation made possible fix the espression of feedback signal to present in the node's differential imput.
The Node's output is now the differential espression to the input signal and the feedback signal. In these espression we can change the U(s) whit his value due to the present of feedback block.
These fuction is the new input of the forword block, so the new output is these one moltiplie for B(s).
The espression must give in evidence the final output Y(s) by using the algebra rules.
multiply every second term's addend for the factor B(s).
乘数每秒期间加数因素 B(s).
Turn in the first equation's member all the addend where appear the factor Y(s).
转到第一个方程式所有加数显示因素 Y(s).
Collect like a common factor the Y(s) at first member of the equation.
last operation is divide all two members for the all factor [1+H(s)*B(s)].
最后操作时分开2个数字从所有因数中 [1+H(s)*B(s)]。